Thought of the Day
I was walking down the street yesterday and saw a news ticker that said the price of oil was soaring to astronomical rates, hovering near $120 a barrel. I thought about it, and realized something interesting.
Oil is still cheaper than beer.
Wikipedia lists the volume in an oil barrel as 42 gallons, which comes out to about $2.85 a gallon.
Compare that to the price of beer, where a 13 gallon keg of Heineken costs $145, or $11.15 a gallon. Even for a cheaper beer like Bud, where you can get a 15 gallon keg for $95, still comes out to $6.33 a gallon, and no one thinks twice about paying it.
And the worst war beer ever started was a Football riot…
Hopefully, people aren’t consuming nearly as much beer as they are gas. Really, how often are you buying 15 gallons of beer? So paying $6.33/gallon once a month isn’t so bad.
Besides, I think only frat houses buy kegs these days, and they have all of their beer buddies to split the cost. Not to mention the $5 they charge the freshmen at the door.
I buy gas about 100x more than I buy beer. The $3.75/gallon I paid yesterday made me cringe!
By the time you and Dani get that car this summer, the price of gas will be $6.33/gallon.
If the price gets high enough, maybe I’ll start filling up my Civic with Sapporo.
You might want to buy a good bicycle then. You’re going to need it when your engine starts seizing on you. Even premium beer will do that.