Fun Pictures
A couple of fun pictures have filtered in over the last week or so. Iris in Germany sent in two early submissions to try and win one of the Voyager Desert Spear ARCs, whenever I receive them:
This week is “Fasching” in Germany. It’s Carneval. And during the next week i don’t have to go to school. Which means today was pretty funny, because everybody was celebrating the Carneval in school. And was really drunk. Drunken pupils which try to pay attention. You don’t want to see this. Believe me!
Not everybody in a costume, but even I had a tiny one. And when I was at home, happy to be free from school for a whole week, I got some company while reading you’re book.
It was kind of scary…
Well, on Saturday I went together with my family to a party. It has a motto, so we had to dress up. Crooks and villains. Al Capone and so on. I, my sister and my mom dressed up as prisoners. Black and white. But not only in stripes 😀 Anyway, what I wanted to tell you is, that I forced them to take a picture with me and a certain book.
French Jess also sent in a picture, this one of a creepy tree that reminded her of a wood demon. I see what she means. I would check the wards three times before dusk if this monster were outside my bedroom window:
Lastly, Kim Kincaid confessed recently to reading The Warded Man as a library book, but told me that she had asked her daughter for a copy this Valentine’s Day, which was also Kim’s birthday (Happy birthday, Kim!). Sadly, the book did not arrive in time, so Kim’s daughter wrapped a book in this fake cover to tide her mother over:
Who the heck is Peter Breff?!
A man in desperate need of topical cream, I imagine.
I love that tree. Wood demon, indeed! Hey Peat, the REAL book arrived. It has somehow legitimized the whole Warded Man reading experience. Now, if I ever meet you in person, I will be able to look you straight in the eyes and say, “I own this book…here, please autograph it for me…along with a wonderful pithy message. Oh, and add some hand drawn wards and those exquisite chapter headings all over it too, please.”
That’s awesome! I gotta get me a copy of The Warted Man too. I’ve heard great things about Peter Breff.