Card Sharp

I’m slowly recovering from Balticon, where copious amounts of alcohol and time spent in the company of the awesome likes of Gail Carriger, Paolo Bacigalupi, Mur Lafftery, Myke Cole, and a few dozen others drowned out the desperate cries of my aging body for sleep. I’ll admit to not having accomplished much today, but fuck it. I earned a slow day. Overall it was a great con, even though I booked it too late to make it onto the program. In some ways that was just as well, since I didn’t need to perform, and could just spend my time meeting cool people like John Anealio. I still have his rendition of “George RR Martin is Not Your Bitch” stuck in my head, especially after the crowd at the I Should be Writing podcast started singing along.

But I’m back in business now, and want to remind everyone about the ongoing Warding Contest. All you need to do is download the Ward Symbols from my site, and use them to make something to cause the local corelings to piss their metaphorical pants. Snap a picture of your warded whatever and send to no later than July 1, 2010 along with your name and address. I will likely post an edited version of your e-mail, but won’t include your full name or address. Prizes include 5 prints of Lauren K Cannon’s fantastic Renna painting, which now graces the home page and anchors my site design, as well as signed copies of The Desert Spear.

If you need inspiration, look no further than two-time contest winner Dwayne from the UK:

Hi Peat,
Its me again. Firstly I would like to tell you how much I love The Desert Spear. It turned Jardir into my favorite character and moved him away from the villain he was shown as in the first book. But I digress, here are my entries for the warding contest.

Its consists of a idea I had to create warded cards. So I created old time/scroll like paper and drew wards on each of them. The idea of the warded card are:

a) Can be used to create ward nets
b) Can be used as a projectile
c) Can create a messenger circle
d) Trading cards
e) They look cool
f) Best weapon for the Warded Jongleur

They can be arranged in a multitude of different ways for different effects. I also coated them in the liquid I stole from a number of glow sticks allowing them to glow in the dark, but alas it wouldn’t show up on camera but I assure you it was magnificently awesome.

Here is the link to the group of pictures, I have my friend the Warded Jongleur help me model them.

I hope you enjoy them.

Dwayne always has great entries, and he attended my London signing a few weeks ago, which makes him extra awesome.

Posted on June 1, 2010 at 6:03 pm by PeatB
Filed under Contests, Craft, Fan Art, Fans, Warded Art
1 Comment »

One response to “Card Sharp”

  1. It’s a shame we can’t see Dwayne’s glowey-ness, but I have to say they look pretty shiny as-is! There ain’t no corelings gettin’ their hands on his beautiful book-collection!

    Can’t wait for my exams to end so I can have a go at this myself, mwahaha.

    Posted by Elicius, on June 2nd, 2010 at 7:02 am