Creative Warding

Almost caught up. Three more Warding Contest entries here, and then three more posts with multiple pictures in the same entry. I will have all entries up for people to comment on before Lauren and I meet for the official judging. We have been careful not to discuss anything yet, apart from the fact that the entries are so awesome that we will have a hard time with it.

****Spoiler Alert!****

First up is two-time entrant Dwayne from the UK, who has made his presence known in every competition to date, and continues to make first-class entries like this one, which I love, love, love. I am still hoping to do a Homemade Heroes Contest, which this would be perfect for. Warning, it contains mild Desert Spear spoilers, but what doesn’t, in this contest?

Hi Peat,

Here is my last just in time entry. I was thinking what would be cool to do, then my thoughts shifted onto what would be cool to have so I got to thinking and came up with the idea of Action figures. At first I was not sure who to do, if I had time I would do them all, but time was running out, so I decided since the contest was for a picture of Renna I should do her. Basically I bought a Barbie doll, made a dress for her out of cotton (Shown in top right of pic) then I braided and cut her hair (although with the plastic wrap effect this is a little hard to see), altered the dress and warded her skin. It is the latest doll to hit the market and hopefully all girls around the world would enjoy this heroine.

Dwayne, UK

Next is an incredible tribal art design from Justine in Virginia. I could look at this for hours, it is so beautiful:

Greetings Mr. Brett and Ms. Cannon,

I hope this entry makes it into the pool in time. I wanted to do something a little different from the entries that I saw while thumbing through your site. The idea came from what little back history you touched on in The Warded Man and The Desert Spear; possibly recovered from the runes at Anoch Sun when Arlen discovered the obsidian tomb. This, as I imagine, is what one of the ancient Warders of old might have had tattooed on their palm. Using a combination of power Wards with a mimics ability and mind control one touch would render the attacking demon absolutely vulnerable to a hidden weapon. I chose to use the five elemental Wards on the fingertips as a channel, backed with cutting Wards and bludgeon Wards to do some serious damage.

The medium I chose to use is good old fashion pen and ink, cleaned up with my computer. I’m am an aspiring tribal artist so sketching these Wards was one of the hardest and most enjoyable projects I’ve undertaken in months. I wanted to give the piece a glyph appearance rather then a full on flesh tattoo, possibly something shown on an interior wall or above a doorway. The feel of the design is a bit rough but I hope you like it! Can’t wait to see if this gets in on time and I certainly can’t wait for news on the next book!

Keep up the absolutely amazing writing!
Justine, VA

Lastly, Blake from Alaska has added to his warded paper lantern entry with this kickass budgeon-warded jeep:

Ok here’s my last one haha last minute, permanent marker… wasn’t the smoothest thing I’ve done but what the hell, more support aye? haha

Most of the wards you see on my jeep are bludgeon wards so when i am mud bogging through the woods ill have no worries =]

Blake, AK

Posted on July 4, 2010 at 2:30 am by PeatB
Filed under Contests, Craft, Fan Art, Fans, Warded Art

2 responses to “Creative Warding”

  1. Wow, these are some seriously great entries! I can’t wait to see the final decisions [and don’t envy you them in the slightest!].

    I clearly need to get my priorities in order – projects before contests? What was I thinking?! I am shivering with anticipation for the awarding blog however, hehe.

    Posted by Elicius, on July 4th, 2010 at 7:18 am
  2. To Peat and everyone else I realised that the doll may be hard to see under all the added muck, so here is an original pic of the doll. 🙂

    Posted by Dwayne, on July 4th, 2010 at 11:57 am