
SF Signal did an amazing podcast this week about going to SF conventions, with a pretty varied group of panelists talking about their congoing experiences, both as fans and as professionals. They also give a pretty good list of the major conventions along with the pros and ah, cons of the different conventions. It’s interesting how just as the panelists all go to cons for different reasons, they have different things they don’t like as well. One person’s favorite con can be firmly on another’s nix list. If you’re interested at all in ever going to a convention, I highly recommend you give it a listen.

I just got back from a weekend at Readercon, which I thought was a nice, low-key event, but maybe a little dry for my taste. What I’m really looking forward to are a couple of the upcoming conventions.


Aug-17-21, 2011

Reno, Nevada

As Gail Carriger mentioned in the podcast, Worldcon is one of the better mixed conventions, with a focus on both fans and professionals. I went last year in Melbourne, and it was a chance to not only meet hordes of my Australian readers, but also to geek out a bit myself, getting to have dinner with George RR Martin, go to the Taronga Zoo with Mur Lafferty, and hit casino bars with Gail Carriger and China Meiville.

Worldcon really has a good blend of young readers, people in colorful fun costumes, and serious creators looking to discuss their craft. It’s a blast to go to the dealers’ room, see panels and event’s, or just stalk your favorite author.

I will be at Worldcon again this year, in Reno, Nevada next month. If you’re interested in meeting me, that’s a great place to do it. Due to my recent shoulder surgery, I wasn’t able to commit to the con until late, so I missed the window to sign up for formal programming, but I will do a signing, and you’ll definitely find me at the bar, hanging out with Brent Weeks, Sam Sykes, Gail, and the rest of the young malcontents in this industry.

If people attending are interested, we could also schedule an informal time to just meet at the bar en masse. Any takers?


I was thinking about going to this one. It’s another big con for both fans and pros, with lots of costumes and fun and a really vibrant, growing crowd. My buddy Myke Cole is going, I’ve always wanted to see Atlanta, and I hear the city even gives the con a parade. Alas, being September 2-5, it is right after Worldcon, and I think it will be too much to do both. It will probably have to wait until next year.

World Fantasy

October 27-30, 2011

San Diego, California

This is a much more pro-based convention, with the membership limited and mostly exclusive to SF professionals. I believe you CAN, however, get in to the mass signing whether you are a member or not. If you’re in the San Diego area and want a chance to take an autograph book into a room with like every SF author ever, check the website and look into that. I may also do a signing in town on the 26th at San Diego SF milestone the Mysterious Galaxy book shop. Someone remind me to set that up.

So if you’re looking to meet me, hang out a bit, get your books signed, etc, these are great opportunities to do so. Anyone showing up in Demon Cycle Cosplay get’s a special prize!

Posted on July 20, 2011 at 12:01 am by PeatB
Filed under Appearances, Musings, World Traveler

5 responses to “Conning”

  1. Go to Dragoncon, damn it!

    Posted by Myke, on July 20th, 2011 at 12:41 am
  2. That last sentence is calling my name.
    Was going to wait until next year to go to my first con, but all this talk is making me fidgety. :s

    Posted by Margherita, on July 20th, 2011 at 6:25 pm
  3. Sometimes you’ve gotta just jump in the pool.

    Posted by Peat, on July 21st, 2011 at 12:20 am
  4. The pool’s usually too cold for me. I tend to just pass out next to it in the sun. But, we’ll see. I hear California sun is much nicer than Hamilton sun.

    Posted by Margherita, on July 22nd, 2011 at 10:00 pm
  5. Chalk up another vote for you to attend DragonCon, whether this year (yeah, I know, at little late) or next.

    Posted by Kevin, on August 20th, 2011 at 5:40 pm