U.K. Daylight War Book Trailer

For the past month or so, Voyager UK has been working on a secret project of bold awesomeosity.

It is too a word. Look it up.*

*Don’t look it up.

A Demon Cycle book trailer.

They ‘ve been teasing me with things like this:


click to enlarge

and this:


then leaving me to stew.

The stew has come to a boil in the last week, with lots of file transfers as the final cuts were passed around. The result was debuted on the UK site SFX yesterday morning, and I’m thrilled to show it to you here.

Who else suddenly thinks a Demon Cycle animated series would be friggin’ amazing?

This is one of many incredible cannons about to fire as we get closer to the release of The Daylight War in less than two weeks!

I’ll be traveling all quite a bit after that. Want me to sign your book and answer your obscure Krasian syntax questions? Gossip about the love lives of characters? Argue who would win in a fight, One Arm or Grendel? Check out my Appearances to see if I’ll be near you.

Posted on January 31, 2013 at 8:00 am by PeatB
Filed under Appearances, Daylight War, Fans, Meg

4 responses to “U.K. Daylight War Book Trailer”

  1. A Demon Cycle animated series would be awesome, no question!

    One Arm vs. Grendel. Tough. Maybe I’ll give you my opinion when the tour reaches Minneapolis…

    Posted by Paul Weimer (@princejvstin), on January 31st, 2013 at 8:28 am
  2. Oh… Wow. What about a video game? Like Diablo!?

    Posted by Marc Aplin (Fantasy-Faction), on January 31st, 2013 at 10:34 am
  3. Fantastic trailer. I finished the book last night and it was so awesome. Quite the cliffhanger ending though. I already can’t wait for the next book and this one’s not even out yet. 😀

    Posted by Jessica Strider, on January 31st, 2013 at 2:03 pm
  4. Looking forward to reading the book. The story is fantastic, I’m not sure that an animated series could be as good as the books.

    I like the “Here comes the night” from the trailer but… I though winter was already coming 🙂

    Posted by Vigo, on February 3rd, 2013 at 5:02 am