Warded Wednesday: Characters As Animals

Posted by Karen

Hey everyone! You know how this goes.

Today we’re asking you to think about all the characters in the Demon Cycle world, from Leesha and Arlen to Bruna and Briar.

That being said, the question for this week’s giveaway is:

Pick a character (or characters). What animal would they be?

This is a take on all those ‘What Animal Are YOU?’ quizzes, but what can I say? I love that kind of stuff. You can pick as few or as many characters as you’d like. Bonus points for letting us know your reasons!

For a full helpful list of characters, check out the Demon Cycle Wiki list here!

Leesha Coplay Aleena 2

The prize for this giveaway is a Warded Man trade paperback!


This giveaway book was provided by our friends at Del Rey. The Warded Man is where everything begins. If you’d like a copy signed by Peat himself, go ahead and enter.

Remember, we can only pick your comment if you respond to our post on the blog. We’re looking forward to your answers.

Giveaway answers will be accepted until Monday. The winner will be announced Tuesday.

You can get your copy of The Skull Throne here!

Posted on May 11, 2016 at 8:00 am by Hannah
Filed under Karen, Warded Wednesdays

7 responses to “Warded Wednesday: Characters As Animals”

  1. Bruna would be a nanny goat, looks after her kids like her life depends on it, but if you’re a troll under the bridge you’re in big trouble, she doesn’t need any billy goats to put you back in line.

    Posted by Andy Petrie, on May 11th, 2016 at 8:21 am
  2. So can I say I think Rojer would be a donkey without that being insulting? It’s really not insulting but…you know..japing around…making noise…donkey! I could maybe be convinced to go with monkey…

    Posted by Justin, on May 11th, 2016 at 11:57 am
  3. Ok. We do this all the time at drama school, it’s a very good way of finding the character you play. Here goes:
    Inevera is a snake but she has cat-like features. Nevertheless she keeps her intentions hidden until she’s ready to strike and make an impact.
    I think we all agree Abban in a cammel. His sigil is a cammel. He seems to be weak but cammels are clever, they know how to get back at you when they’ve been wronged, they can endure hardships and they can pretend to be stupid.
    Jardir reminds me of a lion, proud, leader of his pride, ready to fight but only in that spt because of a powerful woman behind him (to begin with anyway).
    To be continued…

    Posted by Flying_Phoenix, on May 11th, 2016 at 2:54 pm
  4. Inevra would be a praying mantis. The female of the species is more deadly then the male….
    Need I say more?!

    Posted by Clare, on May 11th, 2016 at 6:02 pm
  5. I think Abban would be a tunnel asp.
    Because he telling you what you would like to hear mostly or suggesting plans but just to stab you in the back on his own way. Don’t trust him.

    Arlen would be a donkey, because he is so stubborn
    like this animal when he wants. Hardly going back when plans changed but clever and have his reason
    even when people are not aware. Or aware but no idea about the cause 🙂

    Jardir is the other colour donkey. Same as Arlen but mostly different in color. Same goals on different ways.

    And motion Arlen and Jardir: The Twinheaded serpent. A mythical creature. 2 mind, 2 head and one body. Shared goal but different minds behind it.

    Posted by Istvan, on May 12th, 2016 at 6:51 am
  6. I think Abban would be a tunnel asp.
    Because he telling you what you would like to hear mostly or suggesting plans but just to stab you in the back on his own way. Don’t trust him.

    And motion Arlen and Jardir: The Twinheaded serpent. A mythical creature. 2 mind, 2 head and one body. Shared goal but different minds behind it.

    Posted by Istvan, on May 12th, 2016 at 6:52 am
  7. I would say that Arlen is the Wolf. Since wolves mate for life and can sometimes be loners, which i think is one of Arlen’s traits. Loyalty runs deep in them and they take care of their “pack”. Both Arlen and the wolf are “predators” ofcourse 🙂

    Posted by Janar Pärn, on May 15th, 2016 at 9:19 am