Reviews: Steemit Demon Cycle Review
Posted by Karen
Hey everyone! A little while ago, I stumbled across a book review site called Steemit. A user named Stormlight24 put up a photo of the special black ARC copies Core, meaning they must have been lucky enough to get one.
They also put up a nice, little, review.
What has left me as a final impression after reading books is the diversity of characters. They are authentic and different as they can be. Although many of them associate the same or similar goal, each one has a history and personal tragedy that burdens them and gives them many new dimensions. Each one of them found a way to put his scars in the past in the service of his struggle for the future.
You can read the entire review here!
To see more of Stormlight24’s posts, you can head over to their official Steemit.
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