Desert Prince ARC Contest

First off, apologies for taking so long to get this contest up and running. I know I teased it a couple weeks ago, and then… silence. I’ve been running without an assistant since Karen leveled up and moved on. I was about to start looking for someone new when the pandemic swept in and everything just became a blur of remote schooling, late night writing, and hand washing.
Y’all know what I’m talking about. Taking care of family and work in 2020 leaving you a little behind on everything else is the 2021 vibe.
Anyway! I am gonna just leap into this feet first and see what happens.
It is the little interpersonal parts of the Demon Cycle that mean the most to me. The moments of support and introspection, but also the big shouting matches where characters call out each other’s bullshit rather than bottling it up. The times supporting cast share unexpected confidences or offer a different perspective.
So I’d like to have a Dramatic Re-enactment Contest. Hat tip to Jess for giving me the idea. Click through to her twitter if you want to see her fab art as well:
Everyone is eligible, worldwide!
1) Create a dramatic re-enactment of a Demon Cycle scene.
I like to keep a low bar for entry into contests, so feel free to be creative! This can be short as a social story, a longer video, or just still photo with a funny caption. You can cast an ensemble of semi-willing quarantine podmates, or shake action figures in front of a camera whilst making funny voices. You can cosplay, or stay in your quarantine chic fleece pants and face-act That Mood When…
2) Email your entry (or a link to it, if it’s too big to attach) to along with a mailing address for a prize, should you win one. DEADLINE IS MAY 14, 2021.
You are of course free to jump the gun and post to your own social media and tag me. I will almost certainly see and share it. My social tags are pretty easy to find:
Twitter/Facebook/Instagram/TikTok/Twitch/Reddit/Pinterest: @www.petervbrett.comrett
YouTube: PeterVBrett (I should fix that one of these days…)
But when it comes time to pick a winner, I will be using the emails to make sure I haven’t forgotten anyone, so this is an important step if you are in it to win it. I won’t disqualify anyone on purpose, but honest word, you don’t want to trust my memory.
3) Enjoy as I do my best to share every entry across the various social media.
I’ll try to do roundups here on the blog, but no promises about consistency until I get a new assistant. Book writing > Blog writing.
4) Dream of Prizes!
ARCs! I have 4 US Advance Read copies of THE DESERT PRINCE from Del Rey Books earmarked for this contest. (And at least one more marked for some other giveaway, TBD). Sometimes I can puppy eye the publisher into giving us more, or acquire some UK copies when/if they decide to make ARCs.
Signed books! I’ve got a mountain of books, from rare editions of novellas to piles of Warded Man paperbacks, all earmarked for giveaway.
Other prizes! If there are just too many awesome entries to choose from, I also have samples of Warded Hollow Klats from Shirepost Mint and Warded Jewelry from Badali Jewelry.
Signed bookplates will be sent to thank all entrants, as always.
5) Winners will be announced Monday May 17.
Prizes will ship (reasonably) soon after.
Beginning… now!