Hi everyone! Hannah here ready to kick off our next contest. This will be exciting as it’s my first time getting to see all of this unfold. Back in October Peter provided backstory for the new In Death: Unchained, and the company behind it, Superbright, have offered to do a giveaway!

Peep the trailer and the contest rules below!

So let’s ward some stuff. The contest is simple:

Step 1: Ward your game controller, Occulus, PC, or any VR-related gear! Anything you can play a game on! You can use as many or as few of the symbols as you like. You can draw the wards yourself or use digital files! You can also carve, etch, paint, tattoo, brand, stencil, cut, silkscreen, airbrush, etc. If you’re going the digital route there’s a new downloadable font by Brian Attridge and the Ward Grimoire has a complete list of current wards and their descriptions.

Work with what you’ve got and have fun with it. Break out those creative minds and ward on anything! Earlier I was thinking about warding my fire alarms so I don’t set them off while I burn dinner.

Step 2: Send a picture of said warded thing to contest@www.petervbrett.com. *Additionally please include your address with your submission, as we will need it to ship prizes to our winners!

Step 3: We will repost pictures on social media so everyone can enjoy them, and tell you you’re awesome. You are of course free to jump the gun and post to your own social media and tag Peter, but when it comes time to pick a winner, we will be using the emails to make sure we haven’t forgotten anyone, so this is an important step if you are in it to win it!

Twitter/Facebook/Instagram/TikTok/Twitch/Reddit/Pinterest: @www.petervbrett.comrett

YouTube: PeterVBrett

Step 4: Prizes!

OCULUS Quest 2

10 download codes for In Death Unchained

Singed books and other Demon Cycle swag!

Digital swag! Maybe a personalized video from Peter! (IF I can convince him)

Signed bookplates will be sent to thank all entrants, as always.

5) DEADLINE IS TWO WEEKS FROM NOW 12/8/2021 and winners will be announced 12/22/2021

Prizes will ship (reasonably) soon after.

Beginning… now!

Everyone is eligible, worldwide!

Posted on December 8, 2021 at 5:25 pm by Hannah
Filed under Uncategorized

3 responses to “WARDING CONTEST”

  1. Hi Hannah,

    I am a bit unsure rule wise. Do i need to “physically” do the wards? And by that i mean painting or so?
    Or can I take a picture before warding and then add it digitally? Because you do mention digital.

    Thank you! 🙂

    Posted by Christophe P., on December 14th, 2021 at 10:36 am
  2. Hi Christophe!

    Great question! You can ward however you see fit! The goal is to have fun and get creative, so if that means adding digital wards then show us what you got!

    Posted by Hannah, on December 14th, 2021 at 1:49 pm
  3. So the contest is about putting those nice symbols on something you can “game on” i think “tattooing” sounds misleading 😀 a rune/spell/ward on my skin is not allowd am i right? so it has to be some art on something gaming related do i understand that right?

    Posted by Ikuma, on December 22nd, 2021 at 3:55 pm