Hidden Queen ARC Contest!

Hey everyone! It is that most wonderful time of the book production cycle: Advance Read Copies (ARCs)! As you all know, NYC apartments are not suited to accumulation of boxes of books, but my publishers keep sending them so clearly I have no choice but to give them away to fans.
I have five extra copies of the US ARC of The Hidden Queen from Del Rey Books, and I expect a like number of UK ARC copies of The Hidden Queen from VoyagerUK. I may be able to scrounge a few extras with some well-placed eye-batting and flattery.
That’s where you come in. I’ll be having a fan art contest, but don’t be afraid to enter, even if “art” isn’t your thing.
I am keeping the bar for entry low and the definition of “art” broad. Play to your strengths. If you are great at drawing or warding random objects, great. If you have an awesome Demon Cycle tattoo, the judges always love that. If not? We accept macaroni art. A commercial jingle for warded glass. Paper dolls. Dramatic re-enactments by adults, adorable children, or household pets. Closet cosplay. TikToks. Whatever.
No art or video editing skills? No problem! How about a photo of yourself reading a Peter V Brett book in an unusual place? Or a Nightfall Saga meme:

See? I made that in two minutes and I am barely a functional adult. Surely you can make something even better. Go wherever the muse takes you. While we love the readers who BRING IT, we also reserve a couple copies for those whose heart exceeds their “art” skills.
Enter from anywhere! I always pick some international winners, shipping costs be damned. Enter as many times as you like.
To enter please send your name (and a mailing address in case you win!) along with a digital copy of your entry and anything you’d like us to know about it, to: contest@www.petervbrett.com
My kids and I will begin picking winners on December 13. I won’t disqualify a late entry, but supplies will run out fast, and I want a a couple weeks to ship with hope of presents arriving in time to go under the tree or celebrate the new year.
Honestly, I absolutely adore how The Hidden Queen turned out, and I can’t wait for someone other than industry insiders to read it. All I want for Xmas is to see pix of happy people holding their Hidden Queen ARCs.
Please enjoy these last posts on this site before it undergoes a massive Darin Bales themed upgrade.
I’m adorable
Hi Peat,
It’s been a long while since I’ve entered one of these contests, but I’ve been keeping upto date with all your work and here is hoping I can bring some of the magic you have shared with me back to these art contests!