Desert Spear Excerpt on Pat’s Fantasy Hotlist

The other day, Patrick from the blog Pat’s Fantasy Hotlist emailed me to ask if he could get an excerpt from The Desert Spear to post on his. I said sure, then spent a couple of days trying to decide what to send. It’s a tough choice; there were good scenes from pretty much all […]

Filed under: Desert Spear, Excisions, Interviews, Writing by PeatB

Desert Spear Excision: Rojer’s Mummery

I’ve just made a new addition to the Excisions page, a deleted scene from The Desert Spear entitled Rojer’s Mummery. Normally I would wait until the book was published to print deleted scenes, but this one is spoiler-free and involves characters from the first book, so I thought it would be a fun thing to […]

Filed under: Craft, Desert Spear, Excisions, Writing by PeatB