Daylight War Release Dates and The Demon Cycle

There has been a bit of confusion and speculation on the interwebs about my upcoming novel, The Daylight War, so I’d like to clarify some things. I realize I’ve been promising this post for a very long time. Frankly, I’ve been putting it off because it was causing me a bit of anxiety. I needed […]

Filed under: Brayan's Gold, Chinese, Craft, Czech, Daylight War, Desert Spear, Excisions, Fans, France, Germany, Great Bazaar, Interviews, Life, Meg, Musings, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Sales, The Daylight War, Warded Man, Writing by PeatB

Polish Brayan’s Gold Art

My Polish publisher, Fabryka Slow, has released their translation of The Great Bazaar and Brayan’s Gold, along with an amazing original cover and fabulous interior art by Dominik Broniek, who did the illustrations for the other books in the series. Fabryka posted some samples on their website, so I have included them to share the […]

Filed under: Brayan's Gold, Craft, Great Bazaar, Poland, Sales, Warded Art, Writing by PeatB
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Worldcon Signing Time Change

As I mentioned recently, I will be appearing at the 2011 World Science Fiction Convention in Reno, Nevada this week (AKA Worldcon , AKA Renovation), Aug-17-21, 2011. Because of my shoulder surgery in June, I was not able to commit to the con until after the author panel track was confirmed, so I was not […]

Filed under: Appearances, Daylight War, Desert Spear, Events, Fans, Great Bazaar, Red Sonja, Warded Man, World Traveler by PeatB
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Wielki Bazar

Whoa. Google informs me that the Polish edition of The Great Bazaar/Brayan’s Gold comes out August 26. Check out the awesome cover:

Filed under: Brayan's Gold, Great Bazaar, Poland, Sales, Writing by PeatB
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Cosplay Contest

Get out your sewing kits, ward your spears, and call your local henna tattooist, because it’s summer, the weather is gorgeous, and it’s time for another contest! This one is a doozy; months in the planning. I meant to start it last week, but found out at the literal last minute that Red Sonja: Blue was […]

Filed under: Australia, Bookplate, Brayan's Gold, Contests, Craft, Czech, Daylight War, Desert Spear, Events, Fan Art, Fans, France, Germany, Great Bazaar, Poland, Portugal, Red Sonja, Warded Art, Warded Man by PeatB