France Contest

At the end of May, Peat will be making the voyage to France to attend Imaginales. He’ll be on some panels, meet some fans and stuff himself with wonderful French food. Overall, a fun time will be had. During his visit, Bragelonne will be releasing L’Or de Brayan, a special edition translation combining the two novellas […]

Filed under: Brayan's Gold, Contests, Daylight War, Desert Spear, Events, Fans, France, Great Bazaar, Rebecca by Hannah

Audio Contest Winners

It’s official; there are some very talented people that are Demon Cycle fans. For the audio contest, we had funny entries, sad entries, ones that sounded beautiful and ones that made you jump out of your seat, and readings in three different languages. To everyone that entered, thanks. Peat and I (and other readers as […]

Filed under: Brayan's Gold, Contests, Desert Spear, Fans, France, Germany, Great Bazaar, Rebecca, Warded Man by Hannah


During the audio contest, some people were asking about pronunciations of words in the Demon Cycle series; to help with that, here is a small pronunciation guide. I’ve written out how you would pronounce it but also included an audio file so that you can hear it (that usually works best for me). Personally it […]

Filed under: Brayan's Gold, Desert Spear, Fans, Great Bazaar, Rebecca, Uncategorized, Warded Man by Hannah

End of the Audio Contest

Last night marked the end of the audio contest; I was really happy with the entries that we received. We have scary ones, calming ones, and readings in three different languages. You guys just like making the decision difficult, don’t you? I can think of worse problems though. So, seriously, thank you all for entering. […]

Filed under: Brayan's Gold, Cassie, Contests, Desert Spear, Fans, France, Germany, Great Bazaar, Reading, Rebecca, Warded Man by Hannah

Audio Contest

After much deliberation, a winner has been chosen for the Pick-a-Contest contest. The honor goes to Ruvio, who suggested the idea that inspired us for the final contest. Ruvio will get a signed copy of Brayan’s Gold for the winning suggestion. The contest will be to record the best reading of a section from one […]

Filed under: Brayan's Gold, Contests, Desert Spear, Fans, Great Bazaar, Rebecca, Warded Man by Hannah