Nerds in Training

Sorry for the lack of blog updates lately. After a great weekend in Detroit for ConFusion, I was hammered from all sides this past week with promotional work for upcoming book launches (Desert Spear paperback, novellas, etc.), and some other awesome things I’m not yet at liberty to discuss. Plus lots of work on The […]

Filed under: Appearances, Cassie, Contests, Craft, Desert Spear, Events, Fan Art, Fans, Great Bazaar, Homemade Heroes, Life, Messenger, Movie, The Daylight War, Warded Art, Warded Man, Writing by PeatB

Starting the Year with ConFusion

Happy 2011, everyone! Apologies for not saying that in the last post with the sincerity it deserves. 2010 had massive ups and downs for most everyone, it seems. Like skiing the hardest trail on the mountain for the first time. The one you talked about as a kid like a ghost story. We fell on […]

Filed under: Appearances, Australia, Bookplate, Brayan's Gold, Contests, Craft, Desert Spear, Events, Fan Art, Fans, Great Bazaar, Interviews, Life, Musings, Warded Art, Warded Man, World Traveler, Writing by PeatB
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The Great eBook Bazaar

This post is a long time in coming, and while it may be a blip on the radar to a lot of folks, it represents a huge leap for me. The Great Bazaar is now available as an eBook from Subterranean Press! As you may know, TGB is the small, limited edition novella I published […]

Filed under: Craft, Events, Great Bazaar, Interviews, Musings, Pimpage, Sales, Tech, Warded Man, Writing by PeatB

Homemade Hero Contest Winners

Sorry to keep everyone waiting with this post. This was a hard one. There were so many wonderful entries in the Homemade Heroes Contest, and all were obviously made with such love and attention that it was heartbreaking to think that not everyone could win. I think that’s why I took my time with the […]

Filed under: Brayan's Gold, Contests, Craft, Desert Spear, Events, Fan Art, Fans, France, Great Bazaar, Homemade Heroes, Warded Art, Warded Man by PeatB

Autotranslate Awesomeness and Fan Art

Mom, don’t read this. Ah, the interwebs. Today I witnessed a lovely clash between twitter and google translate. My french publisher (@BragelonneFR) twittered this: @PVBrett fout le bazar : | Encore un petit bijou en perspective ! Now I know a little French. VERY little. I get the gist of what this says, but […]

Filed under: Appearances, Brayan's Gold, Contests, Events, Fan Art, Fans, France, Great Bazaar, Homemade Heroes, Life, Messenger, Musings, Sales, Warded Art, World Traveler by PeatB