Oh, It Is ON

The Homemade Heroes Contest, that is. So get out your modeling paint and X-Acto knives, because the prize is seriously fucking awesome. As I mentioned on the blog a few months ago, Homemade Heroes was a column that used to run in Wizard magazine, where comic book fans would cannibalize other toys and use modeling […]

Filed under: Appearances, Bookplate, Brayan's Gold, Contests, Craft, Czech, Desert Spear, Events, Fan Art, Fans, France, Germany, Great Bazaar, Homemade Heroes, Interviews, Netherlands, Pimpage, Poland, Portugal, Red Sonja, Russia by PeatB

Live Chat with Terry Brooks This Wednesday

I am a big Terry Brooks fan. I’ve said it before. I’ve said it more than once. I’ve said it several times, in fact. If Tolkien is the grandfather of modern fantasy, Terry Brooks is my awesomely cool uncle. When I was a kid, Tolkien, specifically The Hobbit, aroused my interest in fantasy, but it […]

Filed under: Appearances, Brayan's Gold, Craft, Desert Spear, Events, Fans, Great Bazaar, Interviews, Tech, Warded Man, Writing by PeatB
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Brayan’s Gold Available for Pre-Order!

Longtime readers know that I have been going on and on about a Arlen novella I wrote called Brayan’s Gold. It was translated into German and published there as part of the German Great Bazaar collection, but here in the US it is being made into a stand-alone small hardcover by Subterranean Press with cover […]

Filed under: Brayan's Gold, Great Bazaar, Sales, Writing by PeatB

Forum Testers Wanted

Hi, this is Peat’s friend and webmaster David here. Over the past few weeks, Peat and I have been working on a prototype version of a forum for this site. We’ve decided that it’s finally ready for beta testers. What we’re releasing today is an imperfect work, with the idea being for it to be […]

Filed under: Appearances, Australia, Bookplate, Brayan's Gold, Cassie, Contests, Craft, Czech, Desert Spear, Events, Excisions, Fan Art, Fans, France, Germany, Great Bazaar, Hobbit-hole, Interviews, Life, Messenger, Movie, Musings, My Reviews, Netherlands, Pimpage, Poland, Portugal, Reading, Red Sonja, Reviews, Russia, Sales, Tech, The Daylight War, Uncategorized, Warded Art, Warded Man, World Traveler, Writing by admin
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Warding Contest First Responders

First responders are heroes. We all know that. They’re the ones who get their hands dirty, and take the hits no one else has sack for. They fill the row of desks at the front of the class where it’s harder to goof off. They give mouth to mouth resuscitation to gross people with hairy […]

Filed under: Australia, Contests, Craft, Czech, Desert Spear, Events, Fan Art, Fans, France, Germany, Great Bazaar, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Russia, The Daylight War, Warded Art, Warded Man by PeatB
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