Posted by Karen Hey everyone! Ready for more warded art? You know I am. Have I ever mentioned how much I love wards? Seriously, these things are awesome. If you ever have a moment, go ahead and check out Peat’s Ward Grimoire and look at them. They’re perfect for painting oneself with power. Igor Domagalski […]
Fanart: Warded WIPs
Posted by Karen Hey everyone! Today we’ve got something a little different. Here are two Work-In-Process pictures that fans are working on right now. The first is this awesome WIP of Inevera by qMargot: Amazing job! The shading and color palette is great! I’m super excited to see what the final product will be like. […]
Fanart: Warded Fingers!
Posted by Karen Hey everyone! I love when we get art from foreign fans. To me, it feels special, like getting a little piece of another part of the world. Today’s super cool pieces of art were sent in by a Turkish fan. Baris Aydin took pictures of his fingers all warded up for demon-slayage. […]
Polcon Q/A Video
Posted by Karen Hey everyone! Sad you missed Polcon (or just want to re-live the experience)? Worry not! We’ve got a quality video from Polcon featuring the ‘Imaginary Worlds Fantasy’ panel. Co-hosted with Cristina Macia, Peat talks about the fantastic and terrifying world he’s created. Peat shows up 6 minutes in: Some things you can […]
Fanart: Henna Tattoos!
Posted by Karen Hey everyone! Remember that totally badass ward-circle tattoo from yesterday’s post? Well today we’ve got another… albeit of a less permanent nature. Diana Friesen sent in pictures of her henna wards, one of heat and one of unsight, tattooed like a boss on the backs of her hands: There are awesome, Diana! […]