The day I’ve waited my whole life for has finally come. Tomorrow, March 10, 2009, The Warded Man goes on sale. I can distinctly remember writing stories as a child, dreaming of one day becoming a published author. While this dream technically came true last September when my first book came out in the UK, […]
Desert Spear Update
Patrick Rothfuss had a recent blog post about the status of his second book, The Wise Man’s Fear. It was a post that really touched me, because while I do not know Mr. Rothfuss personally, his story in many ways felt like my story. I don’t have a legion of fanatics harassing me, but I […]
Petri Dish
The 77,000 people under one roof at NY Comic Con last week formed a human petri dish to challenge even the strongest immune system, especially for me, since I was gladhanding all over the showroom floor. I had hand sanitizer with me (like any new parent), but I didn’t want to go all Howard Hughes […]
NY ComicCon, Day 3
Day three of ComicCon was kids day, and generally more relaxed, though still a zoo by any sane person’s standards. I was nursing something of a hangover after going to the Del Rey open bar party Saturday night, but I had an appointment to tape a radio interview at 11:30, so I hauled myself out […]
NY ComicCon, Day 2
If the first day of ComicCon was surreal, the second was an acid trip down a chocolate river on a marshmallow boat with gumdrop mushrooms growing along the shore. Andy Warhol once said that everyone would get fifteen minutes of fame, and if this was mine, it was about a thousand times more than I […]