The Offensive

As you can see, I found a slightly larger image of the awesome cover of the third and final manga-sized installment of The Painted Man in Japan, which went on sale just the other day. Twilight Dancer looks big and badass, almost like he was a demon himself, which is exactly how he is described […]

Filed under: Events, Interviews, Musings, Sales, World Traveler, Writing by PeatB
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Been very busy lately trying to finish the first draft of The Desert Spear. It’s close. I can smell it. I can also smell baby formula. That stuff stinks, and it clings to everything. Yuck. Anyway, a lot of topics I’ve been saving for blog posts have been piling up, and while some of them, […]

Filed under: Cassie, Craft, Events, Interviews, Life, Musings, Reviews, Sales, World Traveler, Writing by PeatB

NY ComicCon

I love ComicCon. I started out by going to the San Diego con, which became an annual trip with my and my evil twin/partner in crime Jay, and sometimes the lovely ladies in our lives. I was on the ground floor when ComicCon came to NYC, caught up in the ridiculous lines and fire-hazard overflowing […]

Filed under: Events, Life, Reviews, Sales, Writing by PeatB


If you are a returning viewer, you may have noticed that the website looks just a little bit… awesomer than it did the last time you saw it. This has been a project many months in preparation, and my webmaster and very good friend Dave Wenk did a fantastic job of making it happen. The […]

Filed under: Cassie, Craft, Events, Interviews, Life, Musings, Reviews, Sales, Uncategorized, World Traveler, Writing by PeatB

Get Out the Vote!

Quick reminder to everyone, voting for the David Gemmell Legend Award is now open. It’s free and quick to vote, and I encourage everyone who enjoyed The Painted Man/The Warded Man to take the time to visit the site. This is the first year of the award, and the first and only award (for anything) […]

Filed under: Cassie, Craft, Events, Interviews, Life, Musings, Reviews, Sales, Uncategorized, World Traveler, Writing by PeatB