Odds and Ends

I was very pleased this morning to discover that after a steady decline during its weeks between selling out and going back on press for a second printing, The Painted Man is back in Amazon.co.uk’s Fantasy Bestseller List (currently at #19). Just in time for Christmas! In other news, Jana and Kris, the folks over […]

Filed under: Interviews, Reviews, Sales, Writing by PeatB
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Christmas Miracle

Apologies for the shameless plug, but one of the depressing things about The Painted Man being out of stock was the message on Amazon.co.uk saying “This book will not be delivered in time for Christmas.” That really stung. But no more! Now that we’re back in stock, Amazon has changed that painful message to the […]

Filed under: Sales by PeatB

Back in Print, Baby!

Sometimes in life, you have mixed feelings. A good example from my own life is the day my daughter was born. It was, in many ways, both the best and worst day of my life. I say worst, because I was frantic, and terrified, and hadn’t slept, and there were complications that scared the Core […]

Filed under: Sales, Writing by PeatB


So guess what I found on Amazon Germany today? That’s right, Das Lied der Dunkelheit, AKA Song of the Darkness, AKA The Painted Man, AKA The Warded Man, AKA Malowany Czloweik. It’s up for pre-order on Amazon.de. Sweet. In addition to the glee I generally feel as seeing my book up for sale somewhere, I […]

Filed under: Craft, Germany, Reviews, Sales, Writing by PeatB

Das Lied der Dunkelheit

Oooh! Is that another cover? Yes it is! According to bookseller website Libri.de, it looks like my German publisher, Heyne, will be publishing their translation of The Painted Man in May 2009, right on the heels of the UK paperback and the US hardcover. Once again, all I have is a tiny thumbnail of the […]

Filed under: Craft, Events, Germany, Sales, World Traveler, Writing by PeatB