Peat’s Agent: “Now that we have a US sale, we can try to sell the book to other markets, as well.”Peat: “How’s that?” Agent: “I have sales contacts in the UK, and proxies who will sell to foreign language markets in Europe.” Peat: “No shit.” Agent: “Shit. All together, it won’t add up to the […]
Yeah, so when I first go to sell my book, my agent is all like, “I just want to warn you, this is going to take a while. I am going to try and convince editors to move your book to the top of the reading pile, but still, it may be months before anyone […]
Did I Mention I Sold My Book?
Did I mention I sold my book, along with two as-yet-unwritten sequels, last week? No? Oh. Well, I will. Remind me.
Rejection the Second
Met my agent today at Book Expo America. He let me use his assistant’s badge to get in, and we walked around so he could introduce me to people and score me some freebies. It was a Sunday, so the best freebies were long gone, and a lot of the top editors were nowhere to […]
A Glowing Rejection
So, 8 days ago, my agent sent out 10 copies of my manuscript to the 10 major publishers that would be interested in a work of fantasy. Publishers like Del Rey, Roc, and Tor. Publishers who put out all the books I loved so much as a kid. I went down the list, and every […]