I need to get an assistant one of these days. I should be working on the finishing touches of my Red Sonja script, or my speech for ConFusion next week, or heck, even The Daylight War. But I just got this awesome box of Brayan’s Gold samples from Subterranean Press and they are so damn […]
Homemade Hero Contest Winners
Sorry to keep everyone waiting with this post. This was a hard one. There were so many wonderful entries in the Homemade Heroes Contest, and all were obviously made with such love and attention that it was heartbreaking to think that not everyone could win. I think that’s why I took my time with the […]
Autotranslate Awesomeness and Fan Art
Mom, don’t read this. Ah, the interwebs. Today I witnessed a lovely clash between twitter and google translate. My french publisher (@BragelonneFR) twittered this: @PVBrett fout le bazar : http://bit.ly/eYQ586 | Encore un petit bijou en perspective ! Now I know a little French. VERY little. I get the gist of what this says, but […]
French Made Heroes
Usually, I laud the awesomeness of my readers before showing you their entry, but sometimes, when the reader is as awesome as French Jess, there is nothing I can add that competes with her own words and pictures. You will see therein that her boyfriend is awesome, too. This is good. I wouldn’t want her […]
Oh, It Is ON
The Homemade Heroes Contest, that is. So get out your modeling paint and X-Acto knives, because the prize is seriously fucking awesome. As I mentioned on the blog a few months ago, Homemade Heroes was a column that used to run in Wizard magazine, where comic book fans would cannibalize other toys and use modeling […]