So the Complex Chinese translation of The Warded Man went on sale in Hong Kong and Taiwan earlier this year, and has done unexpectedly well, making several bestseller lists for translated fiction. I say unexpectedly, because honestly, I did not know what to expect. Each country the book comes out in is wholly new territory […]
NY ComicCon Update
Lots of updated info on my appearances as my one of my favorite conventions, NY ComicCon draws nigh. Here is the latest: Friday, October 14 Don’t be fooled by the name of my first panel. While there will certainly be discussion of steampunk and zombies, this is basically a showcase panel for all of Random House’s […]
On Blurbing and Thorn Princes
I get sent a lot of free books these days. I consider it one of the great ironies of life that what would have been the greatest gift in the world when I was in High School/College and had endless free time is now a cause of great depression and shame. Why? Because I want […]
NY ComicCon 2011
As you probably know, I love NY ComicCon. If you have the means, I highly recommend you attend. It’s a life experience not to be missed, and unlike anything you’ve ever seen before. Not only is it the second biggest genre con in the world after San Diego CC, but it is right in my […]
Worldcon Signing Time Change
As I mentioned recently, I will be appearing at the 2011 World Science Fiction Convention in Reno, Nevada this week (AKA Worldcon , AKA Renovation), Aug-17-21, 2011. Because of my shoulder surgery in June, I was not able to commit to the con until after the author panel track was confirmed, so I was not […]