Transcript of My Web-chat With Terry Brooks

Peter V. Brett & Terry Brooks

Filed under: Appearances, Australia, Craft, Desert Spear, Events, Fans, Interviews, Pimpage, Reading, Sales, Tech, The Daylight War, Warded Man, World Traveler, Writing by PeatB

The Warder of Oz

So I leave on Saturday for an exciting two-week adventure that will take me halfway around the world and back, as I pay my first visit down under to Australia, or as it is affectionately known as, Oz. My first readers were in Australia, as by some twist of fate, the Painted Man ARCs came […]

Filed under: Appearances, Australia, Bookplate, Desert Spear, Events, Fans, Life, Reading, Tech, The Daylight War, Warded Man, World Traveler, Writing by PeatB

Forum Testers Wanted

Hi, this is Peat’s friend and webmaster David here. Over the past few weeks, Peat and I have been working on a prototype version of a forum for this site. We’ve decided that it’s finally ready for beta testers. What we’re releasing today is an imperfect work, with the idea being for it to be […]

Filed under: Appearances, Australia, Bookplate, Brayan's Gold, Cassie, Contests, Craft, Czech, Desert Spear, Events, Excisions, Fan Art, Fans, France, Germany, Great Bazaar, Hobbit-hole, Interviews, Life, Messenger, Movie, Musings, My Reviews, Netherlands, Pimpage, Poland, Portugal, Reading, Red Sonja, Reviews, Russia, Sales, Tech, The Daylight War, Uncategorized, Warded Art, Warded Man, World Traveler, Writing by admin
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Fall Tour and Daylight War Update

I know it’s been a while since I’ve updated the blog, but I have a good excuse. I was working on The Daylight War, and for the first time in a good long while, the work has been good. I think every writer has their ups and downs, times when it feels like the muse […]

Filed under: Appearances, Australia, Brayan's Gold, Events, Fans, Sales, The Daylight War, World Traveler, Writing by PeatB

Gone Fishin’

Heading off tomorrow for my first real vacation in almost three years. Why so long? Well, right after my trip to Greece in 2007, I began writing full time, taking something of an income cut to pursue my dreams. Soon after that my wife got pregnant and lost her job in the same month. Between […]

Filed under: Contests, Craft, Fan Art, Fans, Life, Warded Art, World Traveler by PeatB