Check out Matt’s Blog about our Toronto trip. It is WAY better than mine was.
Toronto Afterlife
Just got back last night from my visit to Toronto and the set of Resident Evil: Afterlife (in 3D). It was a fantastic trip, both from a business standpoint and for the gleeful SF fanboy inside me. My buddy Matt and I flew in Thursday and thanks to the negotiating power of Hollywood, got to […]
Taking Off
Please excuse any awkward formatting on this post. I’m doing it from my phone. At the airport now, heading off with Maxim-stylish wingman Matt Bergin to Toronto to the set of Resident Evil 4 (in 3D), which is being directed by the eminent Paul WS Anderson and produced by the awesomely last-named Jeremy Bolt, the […]
World Fantasy 2009, Part 2
As I mentioned in the first WFC post, one of the best things about the convention is meeting virtual friends and coworkers in person, often for the first time. Sometimes when you don’t even expect it. Back in 2004, I started a small blog on a site called Journalscape. It started mostly a platform for […]
Merci Beaucoup
Probably one of the most gratifying things about being a writer is seeing how one’s work inspires other people, either creatively or in their daily lives. There is no author I know that doesn’t love reading their fan mail, and who doesn’t have some prized letter or gift displayed in their office that came in […]