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Cosplay Contest Winners

Sorry for talking so long to post the winners of the Cosplay Contest, but between my surgery, some new and exciting business deals, work on Daylight War, and general life/daddy stuff, I haven’t had a lot of spare time. I also needed to stew a bit about the winners. One of the most amazing things […]

Filed under: Contests, Cosplay, Craft, Daylight War, Desert Spear, Fan Art, Fans, France, Germany, The Daylight War, Warded Art, Warded Man by PeatB

Damajah Cosplay

Leave it to Margherita to skew the curve. Again. My heart stopped at little when I saw this entry. Hi Peat! I’ve finally finished up my entry for the Cosplay Contest. I can’t describe how much fun I had putting this together! 😀 I had originally considered cosplaying Leesha, Renna or Wonda, but in the […]

Filed under: Contests, Cosplay, Craft, Desert Spear, Fan Art, Fans, Warded Art by PeatB

Art by Fans

The fan art just keeps accumulating so Peat wanted me to post some of it, so that everyone can enjoy the awesomeness. The first piece is a little different than usual. Birte actually composed some music inspired by the books. Here are her own words explaining it. About a year ago, I read “The Painted […]

Filed under: Brayan's Gold, Desert Spear, Fan Art, Fans, Warded Art, Warded Man by Hannah

Fantastic Fan Art

Fan art is wonderful; people can bond over their shared loves while showcasing their own talent. Or, like in my case, sighing and wishing that they had half as much talent. This is the case with these pieces of awesome fan art. First off, here is a fantastic air demon by LadyMonte. You can find the […]

Filed under: Craft, Desert Spear, Fan Art, Fans, Rebecca, Warded Art, Warded Man by Hannah

Homemade Hero Contest Winners

Sorry to keep everyone waiting with this post. This was a hard one. There were so many wonderful entries in the Homemade Heroes Contest, and all were obviously made with such love and attention that it was heartbreaking to think that not everyone could win. I think that’s why I took my time with the […]

Filed under: Brayan's Gold, Contests, Craft, Desert Spear, Events, Fan Art, Fans, France, Great Bazaar, Homemade Heroes, Warded Art, Warded Man by PeatB